Farmers market will move to Peninsula Park this summer

Traffic safety concern prompted relocation of Sunday events

A VENDOR AT last year’s Saukville farmers market offered a nice variety of spring produce in Veterans Park. The market is being moved to Peninsula Park this summer because of safety concerns in Veterans Park. Press file photo


Ozaukee Press staff

Saukville residents looking for farm fresh produce this summer won’t find the village’s farmers market at Veterans Park this year.

Although the market will continue to be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays, it will be moved to nearby Peninsula Park this year.

Directional signs and banners will be placed along Highway 33 to direct shoppers to the market’s new home.

Village Administrator Dawn Wagner said that concerns about traffic and safety led to the move.

The change comes just less than a year after a car hit a barricade and drove down a blocked road next to the park.

Those attending the market tried to stop the car, but the driver continued until police responded and got him to stop.

No one was injured.

Wagner noted that the village surveyed vendors at the market to determine whether they wanted the event held in Peninsula Park or Riverside Park, where Rebels Field is located.

“A majority of the respondents felt that Peninsula Park was the best fit,” she said.

The move to Peninsula Park will not require any road closures or restrictions for residents living near the park, Wagner also noted.

The Saukville farmers market is held on Sundays from June 11 through Oct. 29, except on July 2 and Sept. 3.



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