Farmer’s market on the move again

SAUKVILLE FARMERS MARKET vendor Pat Maley looked a little lonely during the Oct. 8 market in Peninsula Park, which some vendors said is too out of the way to generate enough traffic. The market was moved there from Veterans Park in the heart of the village because traffic at that venue created challenges. The market is set to move to the Landt-Thiel American Legion Post on Dekora Street next year. Photo by Sam Arendt
The Saukville farmers market is on the move again, with a new location at the Landt-Thiel American Legion Post planned for the 2024 season.
The market, held on Sundays in summer, moved from Veterans Park in the heart of the village to the more out-of-the-way Peninsula Park this summer.
Veterans Park offered visibility, but it’s in a high-traffic area. Peninsula Park offered ample parking and vendor space, but some vendors complained it was too out of the way to attract enough customers to justify their participation.
The hope is that the Legion Hall at 601 W. Dekora St. (Hwy. 33) will offer the best of both worlds with its location on a village thoroughfare and plenty off-street parking and vendor space.
The market, which features produce grown by area farmers, flowers, meat, other foods and crafts, is slated to be held Sundays from June 16 through Oct. 13 next year.
The market is seeking vendors, who should contact Darrell Jaeger at (262) 388-1454 or before Dec. 31 if they are interested in participating.
The full-season fee for vendors is $75.
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