District report card score among highest in state
The Cedar Grove-Belgium School District maintained its high ranking in the state’s 2023-24 school district report card scores.
The district came in with an 84.8 score, slightly lower than the previous year’s 86.1 but still sixth of all kindergarten through 12th grade school districts in the state meaning the district, along with its elementary, middle and high schools, falls in the highest category of “significantly exceeds expectations.”
“We are very pleased with the district report card results for the Cedar-Grove Belgium School District. Our students and staff continue to demonstrate their commitment to learning at high levels. With all three schools achieving ‘significantly exceeds expectations’ designations, the Cedar Grove-Belgium community has a lot to be proud of,” Supt. Elizabeth Freeman said.
School Board President Jeremy Spriggs concurred.
“Cedar Grove-Belgium has many talented educators and support staff that are backed by the community to provide exceptional instruction and encouragement for our students to achieve at a high level. We are exceedingly proud of the achievements of our students as well as staff again this year and look forward to continued successes in the coming years,” he said.
School and district report cards include outcomes in four priority areas, according to the Department of Public Instruction:
ν Achievement measures the level of knowledge and skills among students in the school compared to state and national standards. It includes a composite of English language arts and mathematics performance by the “all students” group in the Wisconsin Student Assessment System (WSAS) for all tested grades in the school.
ν Growth measures changes in students’ English language arts and mathematics performance over time. Each student’s value-added score is calculated based on test score improvement from the prior year compared to similar students statewide. Similar students statewide are determined using prior test scores, economic status, race/ethnicity, disability status, gender and English learner status.
ν Target Group Outcomes demonstrates outcomes for students with the lowest test scores in their school — the target group. Outcomes are displayed for achievement, growth, chronic absenteeism and attendance or graduation rate.
ν On-Track to Graduation indicates the success of students in the school in achieving educational milestones that predict postsecondary success. It includes chronic-absenteeism and the graduation rate for schools that graduate students or the attendance rate for other schools. It also includes measures of third-grade English language arts and eighth-grade mathematics achievement, as applicable to the school.
Cedar Grove-Belgium Elementary School’s score of 86.7 is 15th of 91 schools of 4K through fourth grade.
The district is in a hotbed of high-scoring schools within a roughly 30-minute drive. Cedarburg Kohler, Oostburg, Mequon-Thiensville and Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah all scored in the state’s top 11.
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