Cultural Center names its artists in residence


The Cedarburg Cultural Center has named Nancy Lohmiller as its November artist in residence and Caleb Griswold as its December artist in residence.    

Lohmiller, a Milwaukee native and award-winning artist and instructor, brings her background as a hospice nurse, graphic designer and art instructor to her paintings and drawings. Her style incorporates visual fluidness in diverse contrast to sharp lines and sensuous curves.

“My work captures one moment that unites the particles of our eclectic lives, weaving through our universe,” Lohmiller said.

Lohmiller earned a bachelor of arts degree in graphic arts from Mount Mary University in 1990 and a master’s degree in visual arts from Cardinal Stritch University in 2005 with a concentration in fundamentals of fine art with current application of technology.

Most recently, she has returned to charcoal drawing and creating handmade books.

She earned the “Best of Show for Artist Book” for her content-driven, handmade book at St John’s Gallery in 2019, second place for charcoal drawings in 2013 at Alverno College Gallery and honorable mention from Anderson Art Center for her oil painting.

She will be at the center from noon to 4 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, Nov. 20, 27 and 28.

Griswold is a painter whose works are described as whimsical, specializes in dog portraits, large abstract artworks and decorative driftwood.

Deb Mortl, his art teacher at Cedarburg High School, fostered his talent and guided him in selling his paintings. He is currently working with Kelly Thompson of the Arthouse in Saukville.

Griswold will be demonstrating his painting process at the center from noon to 4 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, Dec. 4 and 5, 11 and 12, and 18 and 19.

Lohmiller will also teach “Introduction to Water-Soluble Oils” from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4.

The workshop, intended for people ages 15 and older, includes all supplies and handouts for participants to use after the class. The cost is $45 for center members and $54 for nonmembers.

Griswold and Thompson will teach “Harmonious Color-Saturated Abstracts” at the center from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5.

The class will guide participants in the process of mixing their own acrylic paint colors and making color choices that relate and that lead to a harmonious abstract painting.

The fee, which includes supplies is $35 for center members and $42 for nonmembers.

For questions or to register for the classes, contact the center at 375-3676 or visit

The center is at W62 N546 Washington Ave.



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