Clara Holk

Former Saukville resident Clara M. Holk, 97, died Thursday, Nov. 29, at Pine Haven Christian Home in Sheboygan Falls.

Mrs. Holk was born in Milwaukee on March 21, 1921, to John and Pelagia Blazejewicz Kopczynski.  

After high school, Mrs. Holk worked at the former Milwaukee Glove Company.  

On Sept. 24, 1949, she married James Holk at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Milwaukee. Mr. Holk died on July 22, 1990.

In 1955, the family moved to Saukville.  

Mrs. Holk attended Immaculate Conception Church where she was a member of the parish’s Christian Women of Saukville.  

Her family said she was a great baker and  skilled at embroidery. In her later years, she enjoyed reading and doing word search puzzles.

Mrs. Holk is survived by her children James of Arlington, Va., Janice (Carl) Muffler of Menomonee, Mich., Phillip (Juli) of Adell and Sandra (David) Drzewiecki of Grafton; grandchildren Nicholas, Annelle, Brenda, Beth, Cathryn, Nicole, Rachel and Andrew; 12 great-grandchildren; two step-great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her sons Thomas and Bruce, grandsons Thomas Drzewiecki and Michael Holk, sisters Alice Lezala, Julia Elcheroth and Helen and Rose Kopczynski, and brother Edmund Kopczynski.

A funeral service will be held in spring with interment at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Saukville.

Memorials to the Pine Haven Christian Homes, Sheboygan Falls, are suggested.

Poole Funeral Home, Port Washington, is handling the arrangements.




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