Cedarburg Haunt to be held starting Oct. 11
The annual Cedarburg Haunt sponsored by Ozaukee 4-H will be held beginning at dusk Fridays and Saturdays from Oct. 11 to 26.
The haunted house, which is held entirely indoors, is at the Ozaukee County fairgrounds in Cedarburg. It is wheelchair accessible.
Tickets are $15 and may be purchased at the door from 6 to 10 p.m. each day or online at cedarburghaunt.com.
Discount coupons are available at Port Washington State Bank locations.
Groups of 40 or more people receive VIP treatment, including 25% off general admission, a ghoul guide and special parking.
Concessions will be available for purchase.
Proceeds benefit the Ozaukee County 4-H program.
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