Board split over bids for middle school project

One firm submits low price, the other has proven itself with high school work
Ozaukee Press staff

The Port Washington-Saukville School Board on Monday debated who to hire to renovate the entry to Thomas Jefferson Middle School, with members split between hiring low bidder JH Hassinger and CD Smith, the contractor that is handling the $49.4 million Port Washington High School project.

The district obtained four bids for the project, with the difference between JH Hassinger and CD Smith’s bids totalling $10,869. 

“CD Smith has more than proven itself,” board member Sara McCutcheon said. “I’m leaning toward them. They’re a known entity. We’ve worked with them so well. We’ve had no problem with them being over budget and on time.”

And, she said, the cost difference isn’t significant.

But board member Brian Stevens noted that Hassinger has done a number of projects, has worked in the community and school district before and has assured the administrators it can meet the tight schedule for the middle school work.

“CD Smith is 4.1% more. Is it worth that for the comfort level?” he asked. “These guys (Hassinger) look like they have a good background. They said they’re going to meet our timelines.”

Board member Aaron Paulin noted there are other projects that could benefit from the almost $11,000 less that Hassinger would charge.

The TJ project, which was estimated to cost about $300,000, includes creating a new visitors entrance to the school off Holden Street, modifying the offices and creating a new parking lot along Holden Street, officials said.

The work was prompted by the need to create a secure entrance for visitors to the school, they added.

The work is expected to be done this summer without impacting summer school classes, officials said.

Director of Business Services Jim Froemming told the board that Hassinger said it could meet the timetable for the project, noting that company officials have suggested they could perhaps complete work on a new parking lot along Holden Street before school ends in June.

The firm has done work for the school district in the past, Froemming added.

Supt. Mike Weber noted that CD Smith has done outstanding work on the high school project, coming in under budget and ahead of schedule.

That, said board member Brian McCutcheon, is ample reason to select the firm even if the cost is slightly higher.

“I just look at the high school. For this project to come in at or under budget, a project that’s taken four years, is impressive,” he said. “I wouldn’t mind that extra $11,000. I would just feel I don’t have to worry about this.”

The board members questioned what project Hassinger had worked on in the district, noting they did not recall what projects those were.

School board member Marchell Longstaff asked if the administration had reached out to CD Smith to see if, because the bids are close, it could close the gap.

That’s not allowed, Froemming said. 

The district obtained four bids for the work, with Hassinger coming in at $266,631, CD Smith at $277,500, Stier Construction at $280,627 and Beeler Construction at $303,810.

The bids don’t include an option for heating, ventilating and air conditioning work because the wording of this specification was too vague, Froemming said.

Board members deferred action on the bids, instead directing the administration to seek references and background on other projects the firms have done.

Action on the bids is expected during the board’s next meeting, which is tentatively set for 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 25.


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