Army vet to discuss time at West Point

U.S. Army veteran and West Point graduate Mark Kannenberg will be the speaker for the Monday, Nov. 18, meeting of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Military Historians.

The 6:30 p.m. meeting will be at the Rose-Harms American Legion Hall, 1540 13th Ave., Grafton.

Kannenberg, who served in the Vietnam War, will speak on his five years at West Point, the academic and physical demands placed on academy graduates and about being thrust into a war zone as a leader of infantry soldiers in ground combat zones.

His service in Vietnam included duty as 111 Corps Tank Battalion commander, S-4 at DMZ, Infantry company commander Long Binh, Airborne and Ranger School at Forts Bragg and Benning.

After he returned to civilian life, Kannenberg earned a master of business degree from Harvard University.

  Recently, Kannenberg attended a ceremony in Washington, D.C., with 100 other West Point graduates at the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

  The $25 admission fee includes a buffet dinner and the speaker’s presentation. A limited number of $10 tickets are available for the speaker’s program.

Reservations are due Friday, Nov. 15.

  Doors open at 5:15 p.m.

For tickets or more information, contact  Ken Grigas at (262) 284-1090 or email


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