Annual Flag Day parade will honor 4-H members

FLAG DAY ORGANIZERS are inviting 4-H members, past and present, to participate in this year’s parade and celebration in Waubeka. Press file photo
Ozaukee Press Staff

The National Flag Day Foundation is honoring 4-H Clubs in this year’s celebration and is inviting area 4-H members, leaders, advisers and volunteers, past and present, to march, enter patriotic floats or otherwise participate in the Flag Day parade on Sunday, June 9, in Waubeka.

Also invited to participate are Scouts, marching bands, military organizations, businesses and civic groups.

The deadline to register to participate in the parade is May 24.

A flag pin and memorial button will be presented to all registered past and present 4-H Club advisers, leaders and members in attendance. They also can ride in an honoree float or watch the parade from reserved seating.

The Flag Day program will begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Americanism Center, 4200 Valley View Dr., Waubeka.

The parade will be at 1:30 p.m. That will be followed by Family Fun Day at 4 p.m. 

The Mike Maher Band will perform from 5 to 9 p.m., to be followed by fireworks after dusk.

Waubeka is considered to be the birthplace of Flag Day. According to the National Flag Day web site, on June 14, 1885, Bernard J. Cigrand, a 19-year-old teacher at Stony Hill School, placed a 10-inch, 38-star flag in a bottle on his desk and assigned students to write essays on the flag and its significance. 

President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation on May 30, 1916, calling for a nationwide observance of Flag Day. In 1949, President Harry Truman designated June 14 as National Flag Day. On June 14th, 2004, Congress officially proclaimed Waubeka the birthplace of Flag Day.

To obtain a parade registration form or for more information, send an email to or call National Flag Day Foundation President Jack Janik at 692-9111 or visit



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