Annual e-cycling day pulled in 10,000 pounds of materials

ONE OF THE MANY TVs dropped off at Belgium’s e-cycling day in May were carried by Michael Grittner (left) and Bob Steinke. Photo by Sam Arendt

Although it cost more money, the annual e-cycling day at the Town of Belgium’s transfer site was hailed as another success.

The town and village collected 10,262 pounds of electronics and other materials that residents were able to drop off without a fee. That total is down 300 pounds from last year, but the massive number still drew some “wows” at this month’s Town Board meeting.

This year, Veolia charged $3,300 for the dumpsters — $1,100 more than last year — meaning the village and town each pays $550 more. Town Clerk Ginger Murphy said she asked for last year’s price but the company refused to budge.

“I don’t have a problem with it because we did split it with the village. It’s a community service we do,” Town Board Chairman Tom Winker said

Television screens, said resident Dennis Dimmer, don’t have any recyclable material and disposing of them is hazardous, which accounts for the cost increase.

Two 30-yard dumpsters were filled, and Supr. Tom Bichler hauled away an overflow of TVs.

“I’m going to credit Tom — there’s no bill coming back to the town — he took time out of his day, took his pickup, his gas and hauled them down to the recycling center for the taxpayers,” Winker said.

Bichler and his son, along with Winker, Village Trustee Clem Gottsacker and two Veolia employees helped at the event.

Supr. Bill Janeshek said he has noticed fewer TVs being dumped on the side of the road this summer.

“Good. Then it’s working,” Dimmer said.



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